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A member registered Sep 02, 2017

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Clarification: purchase of specific episode only 1 step behind Patreon version$10.

Patreon subscribe for 10 minutes to download most current version $5.

My only question that I will repeat:  Why pay $10 for an older version when I can get a current version for $5?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him suck your...  Any "interesting" surprises will not be to everyone's liking, don't add or remove content because of a few posts, just make the game you want in the way you want.  Tell any complainers to simply look at any of 10 billion other games until they find content they like instead of asking a developer to make changes to a game in development.  That being said planning content that adds a new tag should be revealed as "planned content" so that players/supporters get upset they backed you when you didn't share planned content.

If I pay USD$10 (ignoring sale and rounding up) I can play 1 episode further than the "free version" from another site (unnamed) or for between USD$5 and USD$6 I can join your Patreon for a "month" download episode 4 the cancel my Patreon subscription?

Let me ask you a silly question:  Why would I pay more for a lesser version of a product?  I mean ignoring the fees you pay for the service of a site selling your product or selling a subscription to your future products look at what you are asking people to pay for a single download vs. a monthly payout which can be payed once and cancelled.  Would you pay 2 times the price to get an inferior product?

With a demo (try before you buy is needed due to weak looking graphics) I might buy this game anywhere but steam for about the same asking price if the game is decent and as funny as it sounds/looks.  I would not buy it on steam as I have a shared library.

The clear and permanent answer has always been check patreon for his current work.  This doesn't mean you need to subscribe, you can just read his work schedule there.

2 questions:

1)  $10 for a text file?

2) Where is the DLC available from (mentioned in your F95zone PA download thread but I see no sign of it.

The very first thing when you start the game it asks your name, as you type it the color of the typing is either so dark as to be almost invisible.  You might consider making it a brighter color like orange or yellow to be readily apparent.

I don't know if you noticed but the name change suggests a complete re-work which means the dev might be remaking everything to "fully comply" with standing Patreon rules about incest and a legitimate sounding reason why a "not related" person is living in the house.  Just a supposition on my part but Patreon has gotten very aggressive  with the latest rules and deleting accounts which break them along with notifying devs they are being reviewed for suspicion of "X rule breaking activity".

If you name the download "" you are actively asking for supporters to retract their support.  "" or even "" would be a better choice since pet .zip isn't suggestive of anything lecherous.

I see Milflab 0.25 on the downloads page and Patreon v0.35 released in September.  Have you just not released any of the new stuff your working on yet or did you step the number back?  Both possibilities are cool especially since you are actively working on it.

Did a refresh and got past the name however the controls are not very responsive and require clicking multiple times to move forward.  Think I will just skip this one anyway.

Seems to be a bug in the online play where despite the cursor showing up I can't actually type a name, click enter or click anywhere to proceed.

Just an FYI unextraordinary is a term that means ordinary and although it may qualify as a word it isn't a word any business person would use.  If she is a good student she may call herself extraordinary and if she weren't she would call herself "just a regular student" other wise she would call herself a bad student.  Unextraordinary is a word (ordinary) with a prefix (extra) and the prefix (un) which would mean (un) opposite of (extra) beyond (ordinary) normal or "I'm the opposite of beyond normal" which is a total oxymoron (look it up it's not an insult).

The Executor - Advice: There are still unique events in the Coruscant underworld - some help progress quests!

Missions - Side "World 1-2", progress -Continue exploring the Coruscant underworld.

Underworld -

visit #1 A shot rings off nearby.

visit #2 Merchant

visit #3 Nothing much happens

visit #4 Merchant

visit #5 Merchant

visit #6 "Bounty" I am not actually on

visit #7 Merchant

visit #8 Merchant

visit #9 Nothing much happens

visit #10 Dice game $1000 x20 (I can buy 5 rolls as bad luck but after the 6th someone woul;d lose his little devil head 1 inch at a time and I would have all my money back)

visit #11 We don't like you (I would let this slide once and then I would hunt them down and stab them as many times as I could

visit #12 Merchant

visit #13 "Bounty" I am not actually on

visit #14 Merchant

visit #15 Merchant

visit #16 Thief (free credits)

visit #17 Merchant

visit #18 Merchant

visit #19 We don't like you (Now I would commence the stabbing)

visit #20 Thief (free credits)

As I suggested you need to add a number to each event (or in the case of the merchant prevent him from trying to sell an empty red square half the visits.  If there are actually any events I haven't encountered you need to change how they occur (the frequency) and if there are no events you need to make that clear as well.

Okay let me clarify for you...  You need to add a change on the random "World 1-2" events where the clothes seller stops appearing once you buy everything AND unless there is a reason I need to lose more than $15000 to the dice roll game you need to add in the option to kill the rip off artist because I can't believe in 15 rolls I won zero times unless he is obviously cheating.  I would further suggest you assign a number to these quests that is visible to the player saying you have X unique encounters left to experience so that players know they have actually hit the end.  

As to where the underworld sends me it is literally the merchant and the dice guy in 20 tries before I deleted it.  Since you mentioned checking on the Executor I will download and check there.

Okay now the only active quest I have is "World 1-2" continue exploring the Coruscant Underworld.  Every visit in the last 20 visits has been with the merchant who has nothing left to sell (Sabacc is awesome and I am a master with no savescam involved by the way).  Is there actually something else to find or am I at the end of content?

I have found the site by just exploring and will not give spoilers about what unfolds.

Question on the "Vaders of the Lost Ark" quest...  I have travelled to the planet and have no option to "Visit co-ordinates", do I just keep exploring the planet another 1000 times or is there a hidden set of triggers?

I'm afraid since you have a Patreon subscription which says "Early access to future versions 1 week before their public release." and you have no download link available on the page AND you don't respond to comments about a lack of a download link that you leave no choice but to leave a negative review in response.

Thank you.

What is the actual difference between the 2 versions?  Is there any point in playing both of them or should I just stick to the latest version?

Thank you for the solution and your reply ;)

Thank you for the solution and your reply ;)

Since I can't actually send you a PM I will simply post it publicly.  I bought a pack of top 4 games including 1 of your games once 6 months ago.  STOP sending me a link to buy the same 4 games over and over.  I own the game, I don't need or want to buy it again and if I wanted to tip you I could do so on my own without the harassment from 4 developers doing the same thing.

Since I can't actually send you a PM I will simply post it publicly.  I bought a pack of top 4 games including 1 of your games once 6 months ago.  STOP sending me a link to buy the same 4 games over and over.  I own the game, I don't need or want to buy it again and if I wanted to tip you I could do so on my own without the harassment from 4 developers doing the same thing.

Since I can't actually send you a PM I will simply post it publicly.  I bought a pack of top 4 games including 1 of your games once 6 months ago.  STOP sending me a link to buy the same 4 games over and over.  I own the game, I don't need or want to buy it again and if I wanted to tip you I could do so on my own without the harassment from 4 developers doing the same thing.

After so many games I have to ask why you still have no volume controls?  I like to have a bit of background music in most games (5 to 10%) and have limited sound effects (50%) and voices (50%) so that I can adjust the voices in case my problematic hearing can't make out what the voices are saying so I can raise them.

The space you have to target will not particularly change between the downloaded and the html versions, if you want to make it "fun" for everyone you could make an easy, medium and hard version with a larger target on the easy, a medium sized target on medium and a tiny target on hard.  The other option would be a means to skip a mini game and still get the reward maybe with a note saying you advise against this for the sake of fun. 

I won't be downloading the windows version due to the mini game with the 6mm target out of 20cm swing range.  I have never really liked those hit the button at the right time mini games but this particular one is much worse than most.  I have a brain injury and this game is the opposite of fun for me.

The color of B=b=betty's text makes it very hard to read and the inability to alter to full screen makes it even worse.

Thanks for the reply and explanation.

I have 3 simple questions:  What is the most current game version (you know with the Annie gameplay) in the downloads list HTA.v. or HTA.v.0.6.3(PC_x64)?  Followed quickly by why can't you include that information directly on the downloads page?  I get "We decided to remake the game and include the old version on the downloads page" but why can't you rename the old version as "vx.x.x (old version)" so that us long time multiple supporters with brain injuries aren't hard pressed to not scream?

I see the game on Steam with Season 1, is that the same content as you have here or does the steam version contain more?  I ask simply because I share my steam account and my partner might be upset by my purchasing such a game.  Oh just to be clear, I find your steam price quite reasonable and would be willing to pay around the same on for the same content.

It would be nice if you included a version number in the downloads so that past purchasers can see whether they need to download an updated version.

Just trying out AoRS 1.3 and I thought you might want to edit "Leaving my pubic image in mix's hands..." since that literally says "Letting Mix perform whatever shaving of my pussy so it looks better..."

Also why no cheats file for PC

(1 edit)

As a person who has paid for this game I would like to request 1 things:  A non Mega download link (Gofile, workupload, mixdrop or mediafire as suggestions) since a 5.23 GB download will not let me download it without a 6 hour break (no I won't download the app and yes I will request a refund if you refuse).